​​Stand Out and Convert as an Amazon Seller

First Impressions Matter

There’s something to be said about the old adage of never getting a second chance to make a first impression. While the saying’s been used so much it’s now a cliche, it still doesn’t mean the phrase is any less true: first impressions matter.

The Amazon Marketplace Frontier

This concept has never been more actualized than when you look at the Amazon Marketplace. A digital frontier that connects online sellers to online buyers, the Amazon Marketplace is the dominant space where everyone goes to either buy or sell products and services. However, you already know this, don’t you? You know this because you’re one of the thousands of online businesses out there trying to make an impression that lands harder than those of your competitors. You know this because you’re out there trying to be heard over the others, trying with everything you’ve got to convert a consumer into a customer.

The sheer volume of online businesses on the Amazon Marketplace is a boon for consumers but represents a monumental challenge for both upstart and legacy sellers: how do you distinguish yourself enough to stand out from your competitors? The Amazon Marketplace is a Darwinian landscape where you have only a few precious seconds to grab a consumer’s attention long enough for them to pay attention to you and your product. If you can’t wow them in that small window of opportunity, you can bet your competition is waiting just a few clicks away to try and do the same.

The Amazon Marketplace can be daunting for even the most seasoned of online sellers. Developing a tactical advantage over your competitors is critical for the longevity and profitability of your business. With only the most finite of time frames by which to make your product stand out, your online business needs to have the necessary tools in place that ensure consumers give your business serious consideration. You need information that helps you gain insight into understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of your potential customers.

In short, your online business needs Intellivy.

Virtual Marketplace Simulation

Intellivy knows the importance of presence on the Amazon Marketplace, just as it knows the importance of making the most of those few decision-making moments that can transform a consumer into a customer. Intellivy knows this because we’ve been out on Amazon Marketplace too. We paid our dues in the trenches, clamoring and hustling with the best of them. Our time learning the ins and outs of the ecommerce trade enabled us to gain a wide array of knowledge concerning consumer behavior, helping us to better understand their needs, what draws their attention, and, more importantly, what causes them to purchase a product.

It was through our acquired knowledge and analysis that Intellivy began the process of developing a set of tools that would offer a means for sellers to gain insight into consumer behavior. A unique solution to assist sellers in improving their product listing to increase visibility, attract customers, and boost conversions.

Intellivy looked at all facets of the ecommerce lifecycle from both the perspective of the seller and the consumer. The entire journey from product to purchase was researched and analyzed by our team before we reached a conclusion: the best way to enhance seller viability was to create a space that replicated the environment in which sellers operated in.

It was this conclusion that enabled Intellivy to proceed with the development of a unique solution that would give sellers the ability to evaluate their site and product listings. A solution to increase optimization and performance evaluation in a manner that replicated the environment in which sellers operated and were most familiar with. Thus, Intellivy designed a virtual marketplace simulation of the Amazon Marketplace.

This revolutionary new tool represents a paradigm shift in the field of Amazon listing optimization. Marketplace simulation offers a real-world simulation of the Amazon Marketplace, and your presence on it. Its main objective is the enhancement of your product listings by following best practices and utilizing data-driven insights.

The Intellivy Marketplace Poll

One of the most versatile polls that uses the concept of marketplace simulation is the Intellivy Marketplace Poll. Featuring a wide range of options, the Intellivy Marketplace Poll creates a realistic representation of the Amazon Marketplace and your presence on it. Our methodology allows you to gain perspective on one of the most important aspects of your listing: your product’s main image. How you visually represent yourself on the Amazon Marketplace is essential to the success of your business. Your product image is key to generating product understanding, building trust with the consumer, and differentiating yourself from your competition.

With the Intellivy Marketplace Poll, our online simulation allows for insight into your main images versus those of your closest competition by presenting them to digital consumers. With  28,000,000 members, the feedback provided by our Marketplace Poll enables you to gain a better understanding of how your product is represented on the Amazon Marketplace and how it fares against those of your competition. This type of information is invaluable to your business as you can incorporate Marketplace Poll findings into real-world actions that place you ahead of your competition and present you with a roadmap to convert consumers into customers.

Benefits of the Intellivy Marketplace Poll

The Marketplace Poll has several benefits for your online business:

  • Insight and Ideas for Your Main Image: The Marketplace Poll enables you to gain information on how your product thumbnail graphic compares against that of your competitors. Product thumbnails play a critical role in attracting potential customers and influencing their purchasing decisions. In so far as Amazon Marketplace basically acts as a search engine, your product tile is one of your most important elements, and Intellivy’s Marketplace Poll acts as an Amazon Listing Optimization Tool to ensure your product tile increases your chances of attracting customers.
  • Product Idea Validation: If your online business requires customer insights into your product ideas to show how they will fare on Amazon Marketplace, the Intellivy Marketplace Poll is for you. Our Marketplace Poll allows you to create a mock-up of your product tile and represents next to products already being sold on Amazon. With the gathered information, you can launch a new product confidently because your idea has already been validated once you decide to go to market.
  • Competitor Analysis: To gain consumer insight on your product versus your competitor’s products, our Marketplace Poll is the answer. Given that our polling tool is as versatile as your needs, you can reproduce your entire thumbnail to see how it stacks up against the products of your closest competitors. Our tool takes into account all elements that comprise your product thumbnail, including the main image, title, number of reviews, rating, badges, and price.
  • Risk Mitigation: With our simulation of the Amazon Marketplace, we allow your business to mitigate the risks often associated with making mistakes and/or poor decisions on the actual Amazon platform. Intellivy offers a safe and controlled environment where you can learn what works and what doesn’t, make adjustments, and refine your approach without impacting your real sales.
  • Strategic Decision Making: The Intellivy Marketplace Poll allows you to make informed strategic decisions for your online businesses. By exploring different scenarios and their potential outcomes, you can assess the viability of specific strategies, product ideas, or target markets. This can help your business to make informed decisions that align with your objectives and minimize risks.

Beyond providing necessary benefits to advance your business, the Intellivy Marketplace poll also offers several advanced features, including our AI Summary. Given the comprehensive nature of Intellivy’s Marketplace Poll, you can be presented with a lot of data to sift through. Our AI Summary feature saves you valuable time by analyzing the qualitative responses to your polls, helping you to focus on the key points of the gathered information. Showing you the good and bad of your own and your competitor’s listings, and presenting you with actionable recommendations, the AI Summary does the heavy lifting of the qualitative analysis for you.

The Intellivy Marketplace Poll is your business’ best tool to positively impact your online business. By creating a replica of the Amazon Marketplace, we offer you the best environment by which to measure your product and listing against those of the competition, setting you and your business in the best possible situation for success.

There’s another adage out there that has proven true over the years: knowledge is power. Intellivy has that knowledge. Let us leverage our strengths to give you and your business the power.