Market Research for the Digital Shelf

Intuition isn’t enough on Amazon.

Connect to real consumers for contextual feedback on your entire product lifecycle. Unlock the truth behind consumers’ behavior.
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Real Consumer Insights
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Real Consumer Insights
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AI-powered summaries help you get to the heart of your consumer and transform feedback into profit.

Real Consumer Insights

Intellivy’s market research platform connects you with a pool of 55M real consumers, giving real contextual feedback into consumer behavior.
AI Enabled

AI-powered summaries help you get to the heart
of your consumer and transform feedback into profit.

Don't assume what your customers want, ask them.

"If you just assume what people want and what they like, you've already lost the battle. You need to ask them!"

Aaron Cordoves

Zulay Kitchen

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The Intellivy Difference for the Digital Shelf.

Constantly Improving

Authenticated Approach

Before a product or feature ever reaches our dashboard it is tested on real 9-figure ecom accounts. Read about the Hivemind Mastermind here.

Accurate Results

Accuracy Matters

Consumer feedback is incentivised for meaningful responses and our platform is tempered to deliver statistical significance. Read how Intellivy provides contextual, actionable insights.

Amazon Hivemind Mastermind Training

Lifetime Learning

Education, community, and support for your development and growth as an operator and decision maker. Click here to get on the waiting list for our Intellivy Labs launch.

Consumer Insights for Entire Amazon Listing Lifecycle

From ideation to optimization, and everything in between, Intellivy enlightens each step of the brand & product journey.

New Product Development

  • Capture target market
  • Validate new product ideas
  • Consumer insights on branding, product, and USP discovery

Launch Preparation

  • Study your competition
  • Optimize the main product image
  • Consumer feedback entire Amazon listing

Growth Hacking

  • Optimize CTR and CVR
  • Refine the performance of entire image stack
  • Improve the main product image

Rinse & Repeat

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Discover what drives Amazon shoppers to click and convert.

"I really understand what converts that person, and why they picked what they picked."

Prudence Millsap

Beauty by Earth

Market Research Platform

A Market Research
Platform Powered by
a Scientific Approach

A Market Research Platform Powered by
a Scientific Approach

More than an A/B test or consumer survey platform.

More than an A/B test or consumer survey platform.

Intellivy is a tech-infused approach to growth for your e-commerce brand. Consumer insights empower each step of that path.

Market ResearchPlatform

If you are a seasoned professional, an agency, or just trying to validate product/market fit. Our platform meets you where you are, and our team and processes are committed to taking you further.

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Find out the “why” behind your customers’ decisions

“Intellivy’s market research platform delivers deeper and more meaningful customer insights to launch and optimize products for CTR and CVR.”

Isaiah Fritz

Online Selling Partner